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Mobile photo studio at the opening of the World Diving Championships in Kazan, for Kaspersky Lab

In Kazan there is still no Instalab branch, and, it seems, no mobile photo studio either. In order to work at the opening ceremony of the FINA 2015 World Diving Championships in Kazan, we therefore sent our team from Moscow. Kaspersky Lab always differs in its creative approach - this time, an image was affixed to the floor and the wall, which from a particular point appeared three-dimensional. On this point we placed a tripod with a camera and installed studio lights around the perimeter. And, voila:

We both took and printed over 600 photographs for guests at the ceremony.

On August 9th we are again going to Kazan – for the closing of the games!

We both took and printed over 600 photographs for guests at the ceremony.

On August 9th we are again going to Kazan – for the closing of the games!

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