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The day we (kind of) became winemakers

Thanks to Instalab, everyone who attended Big Wine Day in Moscow was able to purchase a bottle of Matsu with their photograph on the label. Around 100 of these personalized bottles were sold over the course of the evening, with Matsu wine becoming the center of attention at the event. If you by any chance happen to have a product with a face on the label, give us a call and start planning a promotion like this one — we guarantee it will be a hit!

Thanks to Instalab, everyone who attended Big Wine Day in Moscow was able to purchase a bottle of Matsu with their photograph on the label. Around 100 of these personalized bottles were sold over the course of the evening, with Matsu wine becoming the center of attention at the event. If you by any chance happen to have a product with a face on the label, give us a call and start planning a promotion like this one — we guarantee it will be a hit!

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